Jovie LOVES playing with her blocks. She has gotten very good at stacking them by size. It's quite impressive. I think one of her favorite things about the blocks is getting to dump them out of the bag and making a huge mess! One thing she has learned is how to help pick up. When it's time to pick up the blocks (which she calls bloooooo) she will help you put them back in the bag. It's pretty cute!
Last week I had to travel to OKC for work, so Jov got to hang out with sissy and daddy a few days. I had a tough time leaving, but was okay once I was gone. I was SOOO happy to come back and Jovie was too. She ran to me -- yelling MAMA! Too cute! She even helped me pack!
We are constantly on the move, playing inside, playing outside, reading books, chasing Jov around the house, watching Lib's volleyball games, visiting friends, spending time with the Nana's and Papa's... time is just flying by! Jovie is getting so big and it's happening so fast it makes me a little bit sad! At the same time, I enjoy it because she gets more enjoyable by the day! She has taken on the role of CLIMBER - and I mean, she climbs on EVERYTHING! We had a small climbing accident at daycare and you'll see the results below. She just can't be stopped!
We are trying to get as much playing outside done as we can in the next few weeks as we know chilly weather is right around the corner. Here are a few more photos to enjoy of our little girl!
Go Hawks!
Teaching her young all about purses!
Snuggling with Daddy
All smiles :)