Our Family

Our Family

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Jovie's 2 year old pics

Well, I attempted to take Jovie's 2 year old pics... here you go.  Please let me know which you would like me to order for you and I'd be happy to do so.

Jovie Sue Moel - Age 2

Happy 2nd Birthday Jovie!!

Well, I have NO IDEA how it happened, but my "baby" turned 2 on April 1! Seems like yesterday she graced us with her presence.  Oh how I have fallen so deeply in love over the past 2 years.  This girl just rocks my world.  She is the funniest, sweetest and most adorable child I have EVER seen! :) Steve and I took the day off and spent it with our little Joviebear.  We went on a donut date to the Tipton bakery and a had a nice drive looking for animals on the way home.  She "opened" her presents when we got home - out of the Target bag :)

Family started to arrive that night with Papa, Brian "Poopy", and Kelly for the big Saturday party! Jov had a blast playing with them and she opened her gifts from Poopy and Kelly.  Saturday was a BUSY day with getting all the food ready, decorations up, and spending time with family.  Jovie was spoiled with attention! We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day.  It was 55 and sunny and everyone was able to sit outside and enjoy the weather and watch the kiddos play. 

Jovie had a wonderful birthday and was surrounded by people that LOVE her.  She loved her Dora cake and her Dora singing balloon. 

Our next "big" milestone is Bob's arrival - due May 13.  I have been having quite a few contractions, so I'm hoping if I continue to work out daily and stay active, I can go a week or two early :)  I'm antsy!!

Enjoy Jovie's birthday pictures! Jovie said thanks for the card Granny Shirley! I made her say "Grandma Shirley" and she said it with NO SWEAR WORDS! :)

Enjoy the birthday pictures!