Daddy's Princess number 4 has arrived at the Moel house! Bria Leigh Moel was born on 4.28.11 at 8:51 PM weighing in at 6.11 and 19 inches long. She is perfect! She is joined by Mommy, Libby, Jovie, and Daddy! She arrived two weeks early and was a bit of a surprise to Mom and Dad! Here is how the story unfolds...
I went to my 38 week apt on Thursday knowing I was going to be dilated somewhere past 4 cm. Well, much to my surprise I was 7 cm and baby was breach. I panicked a little bit, being I was at the appointment by myself, and called Steve immediately. He took Jov over to the neighbors and was on his way. After an ultrasound, confirming that baby was breach, they had me drive myself over to labor and delivery where Dr. Rexroth was going to try and manually flip the baby. YIKES I thought! When Steve finally arrived, he arrived to 4 nurses in my room hooking me up to oxygen and flipping me to my side. The baby's heart rate kept dropping and it was very scary. Dr. Rexroth showed up and tried to manually flip the baby (most pain I have EVER had) and decided a C-Section was the route to go. I was a little bit scared, not having anything planned! All I thought I was going to do was go to my apt and then get groceries and head home, NOT expecting to have a baby that day!
Once in the operating room I got a lot more nervous. I hated the feeling of not feeling anything. Steve was awesome and kept asking me if I wanted "play by play". HECK NO I didn't want play by play. There were a few times I considered asking them to knock me out because of the overwhelming sense of panic I felt, but I kept my cool and out came baby! Dr. Rexroth let Steve know he could peek over the curtain and announce the sex of the baby. Bria's legs were together everything was "swollen" so he announced her as a BOY and he was serious!! Dr. Rexroth asked him to check again. I could see a split second of disappointment on Steve's face, knowing he wasn't going to get his boy, but he fell in love immediately! Bria was named after my brother Brian, and Leigh after Steve's sister Crystal. My mom and dad were both there for the delivery, and Steve gave them the news over text message (I found this out much later and was a bit disappointed). :)
Jovie has fallen in love with her little sister, constantly wanting to help with diaper changes, and putting her binkie in her mouth. She tells her all the time that she has "Tiny Fingers and Tiny Toes". She also is constantly kissing her on the head. It's priceless.
Libby has been a huge help by playing with Jov, allowing me to feed Bria. She also was a huge help for those first few weeks as I couldn't lift Jov, which completely broke my heart.
We are finally starting to settle into a routing. Bria is sleeping about 3 hours at a time at night (4 weeks old). Jov is acting like Jov, a 2 year old who is not at all interested in potty training. BUMMER. Lib is heading to her mom's for most of the summer. Steve is working. And me, I'm feeding the baby :)
Here are some pictures from Bria's arrival - she is such a blessing from God and we couldn't love her more. She is an amazing baby and we are so lucky to have our family complete. ALL GIRLS! :) Lucky Steve.
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